Carole Marsh Author Michael Marsh Director Concept & Design Programming Script Doug Boston Art Director Sound Director Concept & Design Script Executive Producers Michele Yother Carole Longmeyer Bob Longmeyer Voices Comet - Damien Haas Star - Clair Coffer Character Design Antonio Garcia Editorial Assistance Chad Beard Terry Briggs Jackie Clayton Pam Dufresne Antoinette Miller Jill Sanders Billie Walburn Wanda Coats Art Assistance Kathy Zimmer Steven Saint-Laurent Cover Design Steven Saint-Laurent Michele Yother Additional Audio Credits portions of music ©1992 ProsonusTM portions of sound fx ©1995 EarShotTM This program was created using Macromedia DirectorTM This program is © 2001 Carole Marsh/Gallopade International. The Gallopade logo & The Michigan Experience logo are registered trademarks of Carole Marsh & Gallopade International, Inc. For more exciting Michigan Experience products, see our website: